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Adult Beginner’s Acting Course
Want to try Acting but have no prior experience?
Give it a go with our one night per week Beginner’s Course!

A fun and exciting introduction to Acting that will unlock your creativity and provide a new circle of friends as a bonus!
With our Beginner’s Course in Acting, we’ll give you practical training in all the basics in a part-time program (three hours per week) conducted through games, activities and performances.

Our Beginner's Acting Course is great fun and perfect for those who’ve always wanted to try out acting or for those who have a burning desire to return to it after a long break.
Run by very supportive and engaging tutors, the course will help you build confidence and feel more at ease in front of an audience, whether in a professional or social context, and introduce you to many of the basic tools actors use on stage.

Fun, group exercises and ensemble work.
Explore yourself as a person and how you relate to the world.
Improve your self-confidence and presenting skills.
Understand how to use your own experiences to develop a character.
Learn vital techniques that all actors use, including voice and body awareness.
Work on a play for end of year production.

The course is spread over 12 months x weekly sessions of 3 hours each (with holiday breaks). We keep group sizes reasonable in order for the teacher to give you a lot of individual feedback to encourage an intimate, friendly and fun atmosphere
in which you can learn and grow.

Enrol NOW for the next 2018 Beginner’s Course intake!!!

Course Structure
Each STAGE of the course is delivered part-time (three hours per week) over 12 months.
The program is delivered in 3 STAGES.
STAGE ONE – Fundamentals of Acting
STAGE TWO – Building a Character
STAGE THREE – Performance in a play
There is no obligation to complete all 3 STAGES.
DATES & TIMES IN 2018: Tuesdays from 6.30pm to 9.30pm
6th Feb – 10th April
1st May – 3rd July
17th July – 18th September
2nd October – 4th December

Course Content
STAGE 1: Fundamentals of Acting
Stage 1 is designed for adult beginners with no (or very little) prior experience of acting. It is delivered in a supportive, creative and fun environment that will encourage your spontaneity and confidence as well as improve your abilities in public speaking and delivering work presentations. You’ll be experiencing acting and drama games; trust exercises; improvisation; working with text; voice exercises; working with an ensemble; and building confidence. You will learn fundamental acting techniques
& lay the foundations for the next stage of the program.

STAGE 2: Building a Character
Stage 2 will focus on how to create a character, with an emphasis on the process from first reading of a script to final performance. The process will show you how to analyse a script; read between the lines to create a back story and subtext; explore the physicality and emotions of your character; understand and experience the concept that character stems from action and motivation; realise your character in performance on stage with a scene partner. Anyone who has completed Stage One is able to enrol in Stage Two at any time.

STAGE 3: Performance in a play
Stage 3 leads to the performance of a range of scenes from various plays which will be performed on our own theatre stage to an invited audience. It is open to all those who have completed Stages One & Two at Ruby Productions. Stage Three provides the opportunity to develop skills in rehearsal and performance with an ensemble & experience of the processes involved in working with a professional theatre director. Scenes will be chosen that provide each student with an opportunity to demonstrate their unique talents and skills.

Each module is taught by a highly experienced and qualified teacher / director.
Students will perform at the end of STAGE 3.
Course Requirements
There is no audition required and no experience necessary.
All students must be at least 17 years of age at the start of the course.

How To Enrol
Request an Application Form by emailing: or calling us on (02) 4735 5422

Please note: Full tuition fee must be paid in full on or before the first class. Once the course/stage has started there is no refund in the event of a student’s withdrawal (voluntary or otherwise).
START DATE: Tuesday, 6th February 2018
TIME: 6.30pm to 9.30pm
DURATION: 12 months
COST: $550
AGE: 17+
Level 1, John Lees Centre, 15 Evan Street, Penrith 2750

This will be a fun, interactive course led by some of our expert tutors. You will have an opportunity to experience what it will be like to play and explore acting in a supportive and encouraging environment. You will overcome your fears and learn to release your creative energies and natural spontaneity!

Copyright © 2025 RUBY PRODUCTIONS. All rights reserved.

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